

Photoshop is software that allows a user to edit images with a number of tools. A user can completely transform a photo and make it look like it has never been touched. This is an example of what a user can do with an image on Photoshop.

There are many tools on Photoshop that a user can use such as the lasso tool, brush, blur, sharpen and more. I will show these tools and how they can be used and what they can do.

Lasso Tool

The user chooses from the settings below.

The user then drags the lasso round the section of the image that they want to highlight. In this example the user has highlighted the hair; from this they can change the colour of the hair, change the hair and more.

Brush Tool

The brush tool can be used for bluring sharpening and colouring.

In this example the user has decided to change the background colour and has selected the background and had choosen the brush tool, colour red, saturated.

Blur Tool

The blur tool can be used to blur a particular section of an image. The user chooses the blur tool from the settings.

In this example the user has blurred the outside edges of the womans face to give it that background blur effect.

Sharpen Tool

The sharpen tool is very like the blur tool only it does the opposite.

In this example the user has sharpened the eye lashes and the hair of the women.


Paint is a software package that comes with all Microsoft computers. It is fun and can be used to make images and edit images. This is an example of what a person can do on paint; it's does not have the tools that Photoshop has however is still good. Here is an example of what a person can do on paint. 

Paint has tools such as pencil, fill, text, shapes and more. 


Most of the tools that the user needs is in the tools sections as shown below. The pencil tool is the first tool that can be selected to make an outline.

In this example the user is drawing a smiley face using the pencil tool. 


To choose the fill tool, the user just has to click on the symbol with the bucket and red paint. In this example the user is filling the inside of an oval with red paint. 


To choose the text tool the user has to click on the symbol with the A. In this example the user has drawn a text box inside a box shape and has wrote "hello". 

To choose a shape the user chooses from the range of different shapes. 

In this example the user has drawn a smiley face using shapes. 


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