Software Limitations

There is limations with all software. Software can ethier be too expensive, too hard to get or doesn't suit the needs of the user. 3 software packages i will be evaulating the limitations of are:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Sumo Paint
  • Paint

Photoshop is the most popular graphics software. It is also the most expensive. Photoshop the best software if the user wants to edit photos to their full desire. Photoshop allows users to do nearly anything they wish when it comes to editing a photo, it can make someone thin, better looking and even healtheir. So this is why people want this and need this certain software. There are limitations to the software, they are listed below:

  • Expensive, £100 is the aproximate price.
  • Training is required, photoshop is a very high complexed software in which when begining to use it it is very confusing as there are so many tools in which they do so many things, it takes time and practice to learn these tools. New tools are also coming in constantly, so you will never know how to use the software to the maxinum.
  • Photoshop uses alot of memory, expected however due to it being a graphics software.

Sumo Paint

Sumo paint is a great online software for editing graphics, not as popular as photoshop and can not do the things that photoshop can do however still very good. This may suit a different audience due to it being simpler to use and the fact that it isn't as advanced as photoshop is. There are limitations to the software, they are listed below:

  • No cost, sumo paint is an online software and requires no cost. However the user has a choice to purchase the pro mode, aproxmently £18.
  • Not as advanced and may not suit advanced users.

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