Hardware Limitations

There are many limitations in hardware. Limitations can be for example not enought options on a camera or only a certain lead will work with the computer and printer. Small things like this can be seen as limitations to hardware. In this section I will review a few hardware devices and describe what limitation they may have.

Compact Digital Camera

Small controls - The digital camera is designed to be small in which a person holding one can have a better shot because they are using the tips of their fingers to control the camera. The small controls can be seen as hard to push in, the user may click the wrong botton. Some companys such as Nikon have changed their devices to touch screen, this however can be seen as a problem also due to the user when taking a photo having to poke the screen which makes the stabilty of the camera decrease therefore the photo being blurred or not exactly the way the person wanted it.

JPEG - JPEG is the only formatt that the compact digital camera saves the photo as. This may not be seen as a problem to many people however some may find that they are not getting the choice to save in a different formatt which for example a bitmap, be a better quailty.

Limited focus modes -The user often has no manual focus, and even if you do, it’s pretty hard to focus a compact digital camera on anything. Deepending on the shooting mode you are in, you might have a limited ability to control focus points. Shooting sweeping landscapes might not be a problem, but focusing on a small detail for HDR might be.

Limited metering modes: The user may be limited to one or two metering modes (multiple, which you should always have; center weighted; and possibly, spot), which can restrict user ability to set the best overall exposure

Lazer Printer

Ink - Ink is very expensive this is the only part of the printer that the user will have to maintain to pay for. Colour being more expensive the standard black it all depends on usage and how much it will cost. Due to the ink being so expensive it may not be the best option when buying a printer for some users.

Printouts - The page may come out wet and may need time to dry, if removed from the tray and used straight away the page may look worped, wet and may not be in the best shape for use.

Speed - The printer is a slow printer so printing is slow when making large number of printouts, this is because the inkjets are not designed for high volume printing.


Cost - Cost maybe a drawback for most people, althought they are cheap some users may require a better quailty webcam mabe with a bulit in mic. Standard webcams will lack in quailty, lighting will not be good and lighing in the room will be required.

View and Portability - The view of the webcam may not cover the amount of space you want to cover, for example if the person is looking to take a photo of out side with their family. They would have to take the computer outside, sounds ridiculous, will work with a laptop.

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