New and Emerging Technology

New and Emerging Technology

Technology is developing very quickly and is changing the world. New technology is increasing effectiveness in different aspects such as digital graphics. Digital graphics has been advanced to the stage that companies are moving their products onto producing 3D graphics. An example of this would be smart phones can now take 3D photos. Companies are constantly researching and trying to advance on their products be improving digital graphics. I will be going through some of the products that have come along way in the world of digital graphics.


The iPad is part of the tablet range that allows the user to work by touch and type onscreen as if they were using and interacting with a computer or smart phone. People would consider a tablet as a phone and a laptop combined. The iPad allows the user to do many things such as surf the web, listen, record and download music, watch, record and download videos, view, take and download photos. The user can also play a range of games on the device and also use it to do work on. The device has been a massive hit, its user friendly and is capable to do many things that the user wishes to do. Apple keep advancing the iPad from the iPad 1,2,3 and recently out the iPad 4. The software and hardware is upgraded each iPad.

Samsung Smart TV

Samsung has created a new smart TV that allows the user to interact with it using voice and motion instead of a standard remote. The TV is in HD, it’s thin and can do many things connected to the web, for example surf the web. Please watch the link below, it is the trailer for the smart TV.

3D TVs

TVs have come a long way since the standard analog boxes that took up half a room. Today analog TVs do not work anyway. The digital switch over occurred in October 2012. This just is an implication of how far TVs have come. 3D TVs are coming into the market slowly, they aren’t a big hit at the moment due to people ether not liking it because its annoying, not the same, gives them a sore head or the fact that they have to wear certain glasses to view the TV. 3D TVs however have been a good hit in pubs and other like venues to display sports in 3D. 20 years ago people would have laughed at thought of a 3D TV.


Printers now a days are very fast and quiet unlike the printers a few years back; they were noisy slow and weren’t good communication wise. Now printers can be connected to wirelessly via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connection. This saves wires and hassle; it is good if you want to print an image off your Smartphone or tablet, all you have to do is connect to the printer via Wi-Fi and print. The images printed can be printed in colour or in black and white. The images that are printed onto a page are better quality and detailed then the images that were printed on an older printer.

Samsung Note 10.1

The Samsung note 10.1 is a tablet; some say that out does all the tablets on the market, some say otherwise. Compared mostly to the iPad I believe that who ever is a fan of apple will say iPad is the best. The Samsung allows the user to all the things the iPad can do and things the iPad can not do. The user can draw on pictures on the tab and can also write as if they were using pen and paper all with the use of a pen. This can be good for signatures and more identification tools.

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