Input Devices

Mouse – The mouse is connected into the USB port or at the back of the computer. The mouse controls the (WYSIWYG) What you see is what you get. Clicking on an icon using the mouse gives a response.

Keyboard – The keyboard is connected to the back of the computer as well or using a USB port, the keyboard lets the user type text into the computer. The keyboard and the mouse are the most commonly used input devices.

Microphone – The microphone is used to record a person’s voice and input it into a computer where it can be edited or stored for usage. It can be used alongside webcam so that the people can talk to each other via video chat.

Joystick – Joystick is used by gamers to get the most out of their game. Its easier to use then a mouse and a keyboard. Moving the joystick will move the character in the game, there are also buttons on the joystick were users can click to interact with the game for example if the person was playing a shooting game, they can move the character with the joystick and press the button to shoot.

Scanner – The scanner lets a person scan and copy an page they have an input it onto the computer to edit or save. This is good if the person has deleted copies on the computer and save the bother of typing it out again, all they have to do is scan a printout they already have.

Drawing Tablets – Drawing tablets can be very useful for students, teachers and creative artists, drawing tablets lets the person draw using an interactive tablet instead of using a mouse, there is many advantages of using this such as its more accurate, comfortable and easier to use. Using a mouse is very hard.

Mobile phones – The mobile phone is used for a variety of different things, many being multimedia. The phone lets a person take a photo, store music, photos and videos, all in which can be stored and transferred to a computer.

Digital Camera – A person can take a number of photos using a camera and transfer them onto their computer then be kept and edited using  software.

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