Newry and Mourne

I have been asked by the local tourist company to capture and obtain photos of 3 selected themes of my choice and edit those using digital graphics software. The 3 themes that I have chosen are:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Seasons
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Religion
<!--[if !supportLists]-->-          <!--[endif]-->Sports

The software that I will be using to edit the photos that I have taken will be Photoshop CS6 Extended.


Original Photo Taken

Scanned Image
With my first seasonal image I am going to change the colouring of the image to saturated colours, this will give it a cool effect which will highlight the colour of the leaves. To do this I clicked on Hue/Saturation on the window at the right hand side of the screen. I then adjusted the colours to suit which I believe look the best.

After this I inserted text, the text is the theme title.  Firstly I clicked on the font Icon then, placed and wrote out the  font at the bottom right of the picture.  I then used the tools on the top of the screen to edit the font.

I then inputted the scanned image into the photo that I have taken.

Photo shopped Image


As you can see from the image the background (wall) isn't very pleasant. In editing this photo I crop the wall out of the photo so that all you can see is the poster. To do this I click the crop tool on the left hand side of the screen, I then bring the two points in towards the picture so that it cuts out the wall completely.

After this I then input text to the right hand side of the picture. Again I put the theme title in.

Photo Shopped Image


As you can see from the original image that the photo was taken in an awkward position to be used on a computer, to fix this is to simply rotate the image; the crop tool in photo shop does the rotate as well. This was handy as I wanted to crop the two sides as well to really make the tree stand out more.

 First thing I did was to choose the crop tool, rotate the image as shown then crop the two sides by doing the same as before.

I then wanted to make the picture brighter with red, so I put in a red colour filter this made it feel more Christmas. I clicked on photo filter then chose the red filter. 

I then inserted text, the theme title.

Photo Shopped Image

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